The Hovercrane's Journey
Azurat: Strangely enough, the Hovercrane arrived outside of the Morgan's Gate.
Azurat: I'm really not sure what happened but I managed to get here... let's see... 97 days ago.
Bus: That long? Where have you been living?
Azurat: A small town in Kadmas.
Azurat: I obtained a small in-ear device that allowed me to understand and communicate with the locals.
Bus: Someone gave me one of those when I first arrived, too!
Azurat: Since I needed a place to stay, I took a job in a small coffee house.
Azurat: After a while, they found out I was really good at repairing the coffee machines, so I became the local handy man.
Azurat: After saving up some money, I took some time off and continued my search.
Bus: That's what I did, more or less.
Azurat: You said you worked as a mercenary? I just can't picture that.
Bus: Not the combatant type, Professor. It's strictly cyber warfare.
Bus: And... sometimes demolition. No direct violence... nothing intentional, anyway.
Azurat: Didn't you say you came from the Morgan's Gate on that escape pod?
Azurat: I won't pry but I can tell something's bothering you.
Azurat: I was lucky to find that job in Kadmas. When we're new in an alien world, well... I guess we're the aliens, huh?
Bus: Most of the people in this world are very nice and accomodating. They know what it's like to count their blessings.
Bus: Once we find Ravenna and your wife, I have a request.
Azurat: Of course, what is it?
Bus: Let's find out if there's something we can do to save the people of this world.
Azurat: Sure thing. It sounds like Zetsfir's way out of control.
Azurat: Let's go find Ravenna.